Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask 11" VOLKS/Obitsu Japan Doll
This gorgeous,
custom made VOLKS Wedding Doll Set of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask!!
Serena wears
a gorgeously made white chiffon gown, with a full span of 18"
multi layered skirt, bodice and veil trimmed in white satin roses
everywhere! She wears sheer white pantyhose, with a lacy garter
and white shoes to complete the look! She holds a spray bouquet
of white roses and her veil is simply beautiful with roses
everywhere!! Her hair is a pure snow white, that, when put in the
sunlight, turns into a bright golden yellow!!! So pretty!!!!
Darien wears his black with gold trimmed tuxedo with tails, white
vest and shirt, black tie with golden medallion hanging and black
They come together in large open window display box! (box style
may vary)
PRICE: $350.00
US for the set of 2 VOLKS/ Obitsu Japan 11" Custom Wedding

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