Aryballos 24" Volks of Japan Dollfie Dream Doll

Prince Aryballos is Ryou
Bakura's "Atlantean" ancestor, from 8000 B.C. He is the
younger brother of Dartz.....
This ornate doll comes wearing his white
and purple armor uniform, with pvc/pleather dual shoulder armor,
knee armor and chest/loin armor. He wears a purple tufted neck
armor, with matching purple tight pants and sleeves on his golden
and white bodice underneath, with a gold sash/belt. He has white
gloves and a long white and purple draping floor length lined
cape! Gold upper leg cuffs with overlay "armor" of
white and purple adorn his calves and ankles, while on his head
is a plastic hard removable helmet with a gold headdress on the
front! He carries an Atlantis shield and a Mage's staff, and
white boots underneath all. He has white hair, set in his spiky
style!! Aryballos is made using the Obitsu 2 Part Male 24"
Japan BJD body, and DD Custom Hair Head, with handpainted
iridescent eyes! He comes with stand.

*****Lady Bactria Doll
NOT included, but available sold separately.****
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