Chihiro Ashihara

Chihiro Ashihara Costume from Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 4

Regular Adult Sizes:

$295.00 with sandals

$280.00 without sandals



Off white with hand dyed pale pink bottoms and cuffs, long sleeved fully ined in pale mint, dress, slit in front, with criss cross pattern on sleeves and bodice, lime green front and back panels and trim, with gold trim all around and handpainted blue leaves patterns all over

Cerulean blue armlet skirts, hand dyed to a darker blue ends (2)

Black vinyl/pleather hip belt with red 'medallion' and golden long tassels

Green hair tie with pale blue flowers (1)

Cerulean blue shirred skirt, with hand dyed darker blue ends

Cerulean blue stretchy thigh band (1)

Brown leg straps to criss cross up your legs (2)

*Brown sandals with cerulean blue straps (heel style may vary)

*Only if purchasing the costume ensemble with sandals included


Golden honey Blonde ponytail and braids wig available for additional $95


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