Nooj from Final Fantasy X-2
Mevyn Nooj from FFX-2
Regular Adult Sizes:
Maroon bodysuit with vertical and horizontal lines and silver
toothed front zipper (not shown)
Purple fingerless right glove
Purple left glove with "wires" and gems to simulate a mechanical hand
Red hair tie
Small oval "eyeglasses" (non prescription)
Red-orange vinyl shoulder and back armor with attached lavender long draping right sleeve with long white faux fur at shoulder. Attached to this are 6 red-orange and black vinyl straps with metal working buckles that go around back to front at proper angles
Silver armored leg and thigh for left leg to simulate metal mechanical leg--super detailed with all "buttons" and straps
Olive green, silver, cerulean vinyl and maroon left "mechanical" arm with lavender vinyl elbow/wrist armor and black tufting, quilting, silver buttons and black wiring to simulate metal mechanical arm
Silver PVC 3' cane with right-angled top
*Lavender and maroon ankle boots
*Only if purchasing the costume ensemble with boots included
4.5' long high ponytailed with 2 loops and long curled ends available for additional $95.00
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