Yami Marik


Yami Marik Costume from YuGiOh

Regular Adult Sizes:

$185.00 with shoes

$175.00 without shoes



Black no sleeves shirt with turtleneck collar

Pale beige pants

Black belt with silver buckle

Gold upper arm bands

Layered and tufted gold glovelets/wristbands

Gold ball earrings with dangling triangles (Pierced or clip--your choice)

Black long cape with hood and capelet, with millennium eye symbol on top; silver metal eyelets and chain at hood top; and giant silver metal eyelets and large chain across chest

*Black ankle boots/shoes (not shown)

*Only if ordering complete costume with boots


Platinum Blonde super stand up spiked wig (not shown) available for additional $100.00


Millennium Rod Cosplay Accessory available for additional $45.00 (Shown below)


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