
Latter three Photos courtesy of the Super Talented Chibi Fishy

Above photo courtesy of Chad. Thanks so much!!!

Xelloss Costume

Regular Adult Sizes:

$245.00 with boots

$225.00 without boots



Dark grey pants

beige/yellow longsleeved turtleneck shirt

beige/yellow legging bandages, fully lined

beige/yellow waist sash with draping panels

teal/deep grey double cloak with red/gold trim and teal inside, and silver lame' clasp, with red lame' "jewel" trim

sky blue wrist gloves

*Maize ankle boots


Staff with red "sphere" covering and topper available for additional $75.00


Xelloss Purple wig available for additional $40.00


Xelloss Indigo wig available for additional $35.00



*Only if purchasing the costume ensemble with boots included

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